Saturday, November 19, 2016

Wasting life

I am having an adult life now. I am taking up all the responsibilities, bit by bit. I have no time for myself. I hate this a lot. I used to read a lot. But now, I don't have any time for that. Maybe it is my problem, I didn't managed to manage my time properly. I just hate how empty is my life now. The feeling of days passed, but you realized you get nothing out of it. I am wasting my life, seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Meiwan好久不见😁😁
    记得我吗? PikuLingu~~
    Fb add我好吗?>> PikLing Yap 因为我不知道你的fb呢😜


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┴┬┴/\ /      ﹨ 地
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┴┬▏        ●  ▏ 不
┬┴▏           ▔█◤ 错,
┴◢██◣       \__/
┬█████◣       /  用PP踩踩!  
◥◢████ ████████◤   \
┴█████ ██████◤      ﹨
┬│   │█████◤        ▏
┴│   │来做客的朋友请留下你们的  ▏
┬∕   ∕ 足迹!/▔▔▔\     ∕
*∕___/﹨   ∕      \  /\
┴┬┴┬┴┬┴ \___\     ﹨/▔\﹨/▔\ 喜欢喜欢╃
▲△▲▲╓╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥\   ∕  /▔﹨ /▔
 ***╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬*﹨  /  // ╃喜欢喜欢╃